Wedding Style Potato Masala _ Side dish for Rice & Chapathi


superb hello everyone welcome to this page and  Cooking With Me. Most of us    love potatoes and any recipe made with them in any style. Now I have made several potato  recipes.  today I'm going to show you a nice Tamil Nadu wedding style  potato masala recipe. This is like a stir fry and the Masala tastes just amazing so, for all those potato lovers let's get started and check out the recipe. I have all the ingredients ready here to makethe Tamil Nadu wedding style potato Masala.

Wedding Style Potato Masala _ Side dish for Rice & Chapathi

 take a nice  pan or a Kad to    make this Curry first add about 3 tbsp of oil once the oil is heated add about1spoon of ch Dal,1 TPO urud Dal, 1 spoon mustard, seeds and 1 taspo cumin seeds saut these ingredients .well after the    mustard seeds start splattering roughly    cut up to three red chilies and add them    to the pan also add about half teaspoon    of Hing and add about 2 mediumsized    finely chopped onions make sure you fry ,   these onions until they are slightly,    golden brown in    color meanwhile I'm adding a few Curry .   

leaves this adds a really nice flavor to    this Masala Curry you have to sauté all    these ingredients for up to 2 to 3    minutes on high flame as you can see the    onions are a bit translucent now at this    point I'm adding about four slit green    chilies I'm also adding 1 tpoon of    ginger garlic paste freshly pounded .   ginger and garlic paste will add a good    aroma as well as flavor to the dish saut    this for about 1    minute after 1 minute add two finely.   

 chopped tomatoes make sure you use fully    ripened tomatoes for a better    flavor    now add 1 TP salt half TPO turmeric    powder 1 TPO red chili powder 1 tpon    coriander powder and mix well keep the    flame on low to avoid burning these    spice powders mix well and saute until    the oil is separated from the    Masala at this point I'm adding half cup    of water to make sure this gravy is nice    and gooey keep the flame on medium and    cover the pan with a lid cook the gravy    for about 5 minutes to let the Tomatoes .   

soften    up after 5 minutes you can see that the    moisture is all gone and the Masala is    ready now I'm adding about half2 kilo of    potatoes I have already boiled them    peeled off their skin and cut them into    mediumsized pieces like these now gently    mix the Masala with potato pieces do not    mash up the potatoes make sure all the    pieces are coated with the Masala    nicely at this point add 1 teaspon garam    masala powder and mix well adding garam    masala in the end will add a nice    flavor I'm just going to taste a piece    to check for    seasoning there's a need for a little    more salt so I'm adding about half.    teaspoon of salt here now mix it all    again and finally sprinkle some freshly    chopped coriander    leaves give it all a quick    mix so here is this delicious Tamil Nadu .  

 wedding style potato Masala Curry which    is ready to be served you can transfer    this into a nice serving bowl and enjoy    this with some nice hot rice and ghee or    even with some fulas if you like dry    subsis you can have this as a side dish    for Samba rice Rasam rice or even Cod    [Applause]    rice this is different from the usual    potato curries that we always make so    next time we want to make something    different or something simple with    potatoes I highly recommend you try this    I'm sure everybody will absolutely enjoy    it so do try the recipe enjoy and share    it with your family and friends so for    more exciting and wonderful recipes   so do try the recipe enjoy and share    it with your family and friends so for    more exciting and wonderful recipes    So if you like today's article then definitely don't forget to share it with your friends.

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